rsynnott an hour ago

This feels… kind of meaningless? For a start, you’d want to compensate for age profile; immigrants are more likely to be working age, and neither 8 year olds nor 80 year olds get convicted that much. But also… like how many Kuwaitis are there in Denmark? Can’t find figures on numbers, but looks like about 20 immigrate each year (and presumably not all stay forever). That Kuwaiti spike could literally be one person!

And what’s the denominator? Long-term residents? All residents? _Visitors_? Who can say?

(Also, they should really do something about those people immigrating via the portal to the alternate universe where the federal republic of Yugoslavia still exists.)

janandonly 10 hours ago

The problem with measuring things is that once you know a thing, you can worry about it.

Also, to misquote somebody here, "There are lies, damn lies and statistics".

One could use these numbers to help national groups that seem to struggle to integrate, or you can use these numbers to discriminate.

Side note: Russia and Soviet Union are both in the graph, and Yugoslavia is on it twice as well. I guess this has to do with the fact that the numbers are collected over several years, and you can't convert one number to the other because boundaries of the countries have shifted?

m348e912 10 hours ago

This chart is not that meaningful unless you compensate for the size of the population from each nation of origin.